Sunday, 10 October 2010

'nothing ever stays the same'...

not in yoga, not in life, not even in our dreams...

but change is hard. it is challenging and demands movement.

there is attachment; to material items, to emotions, to people and to patterns. Stepping outside, realizing that possibility is in the next breath, that happiness is created within - in gratitude, in dreams, in the understanding and realization we develop in ourselves which creates a peace.

today was all about the chat - about yoga, about life, about injustice, about justice. Talking about love, and letting go, and death, and how death influences life. It was about chaturanga, and inner balance guiding outer stability and the space between the in and the out breath. The moment of silence and intention.

i was inspired today by the strength and positivity by those who live with intention and gratitude. those who challenge themselves to face themselves and made a difference.

fait des bonne reves x


  1. "live with intention and gratitude APPLIED TO challenge themselves to face themselves and MAKE a difference."

    INTENT & GRATITUDE and its application to OWN SELF is the difference between contributing to shaping ones own destiny V being a 'puppet' to the ways whims and fancies of others --- that they actually effectively shape my destiny?

    PS --- The 'live with' is INTENT itself.

    The CHOICE to be applied even before INTENT & GRATITUDE can be fully applied to own self, is to decide --- do I want to be a 'puppet' managed by the 'puppeteer' of 'peoples & events' around me OR do I want to be a 'puppet' managed by the 'puppeteer' of MY OWN Intent, Actions, and Gratitude.

    Crudely Put --- who do 'I' want pulling my chain --- my OWN SELF ---OR--- OTHERS & EVENTS OUTSIDE ME?

    Who should trigger & control MY inner sense of happiness, fulfillment, contentment, seeking, serving --- ME or OTHERS?

    WHO do I want to be --- the MASTER OF ME? Ordering me around, deciding when & what I should do, what should make me happy or sad, how I should act & react to others?:

    ME ------or------ the Not-Me ie events & peoples outside me?

    Once THIS CHOICE is made, all else follows --- the baby steps or seeds of own COURAGE to look at OWN INTENT is sown & grows.

    Then, the focus becomes 'what is my own intent & where is it leading me' V 'what is THEIR (the other's) intent (something which logically CANNOT BE KNOWN by the non-SELF & generally even the SELF doesnt know its own intent -ie- people dont know their own 'intent').

    By INTENT it means THAT innermost secret inspiration which hides behind the 'intentions' in thoughts & hides behind behind the 'motivations' behind actions. The search for OWN INTENT is the start of the so called 'inner journey'.

    What is MY 'inspiration' (secret hidden inner form of INTENT) which projects as 'intention' in MY thoughts and consequent appears as the 'motivation' of MY OWN actions.

    THIS IS COURAGE --- This is where the seeds of making the DIFFERENCE begins --- Within OWN Self.

    THIS is the start to find out WHO & WHAT ones OWN SELF is? Who is that BEING which thinks thoughts about itself. Who is that BEING which is AWARE when the body & mind sleeps? WHAT is this BEING's INTENT & where does it lead to.

    Should this INNER BEING (own hidden SELF) be guiding its OUTER BEING (PHYSICAL SELF --- Humans) of thoughts & actions ----- OR ----- should the OUTER BEING be guiding the INNER BEING?

    This is --- what you so well called --- 'facing themselves'. To face ones self IS the 1st step to true happiness & contentment.

    This is what is really the intent behind the wisdom of:

    --- to thine self be true,
    --- seek and ye shall find,
    --- ask and the door shall be opened,
    --- to thy self be true & thou canst be false to others.

    All ways to better the 'without' begins 'within' --- to know own self.


  2. 'nothing ever stays the same'...

    A very simple yet profound thought --- realizing it fully is --- to OPEN one door in the path of SELF realization.

    Back to the profound thought of CHANGE.

    1st --- The Real Easy --- the NATURAL NATURE OF ALL BEINGs animate & inanimate & visible & invisible & known & unknown --- the smallest physical creation in the cosmos incl. those 'particles or strings or fricles or "it"' that have yet to be discovered but are postulated in the 'theory of everything' (the many theories of TOE), have ONE COMMON CHARACTERISTIC --- a cosmic VERITY ===> CHANGE.

    The Inherent Inviolable Infinite "CONSTANT MOTION ie CHANGING INNER STRUCTURE & CHANGING OUTER STRUCTURE of which the 'thing' is a part".

    This constant motion aka vibration is the base characteristic of CHANGE --- ALONGWITH its shadow --- MEMORY OF ITS CHANGE innately preserved in its OWN structure --- from the smallest particle postulated to the largest cosmic entities --- be they known or unknown ---imagined or not.

    So --- CHANGE is BUILT IN to our existence be it physical, mental, visible or invisible or whatever it be --- its is always changing --- its an ABSOLUTE ie IT cannot be willed away by any force let alone mankind.

    CHANGE is that Power in front of which all Powers are Powerless!!! Even 'god' operates through the mechanism of CHANGE.

    So called 'GOD' = The Absolute Power to Generate Operate Dissolve <=== are all applications of the verity called CHANGE !!!

    CHANGE has to be embraced NOW.

    Life Protocols to cope w CHANGE have to be learnt ASAP.

    In fact every moment (time) is simply a measure or metric to 'look' at CHANGE.

    To embrace CHANGE means to become ONE w the FLOW around & find that SPECIFIC vibration in the flow which one can latch onto (RESONATE WITH) & be part of & achieve ones QUEST through.

    2nd --- The HARD Part --- is this EMBRACING of CHANGE --- for to do so is to realize that all is RELATIVELY Transient and to be 'digested' w DETATCHMENT: To love yet to release --- to want an outcome but to go on without it --- to struggle knowing not if the 'GOAL' will be achieved etc.

    To do INTENT, and release the OUTCOME --- which we dont control anyway --- we can influence our actions & re-actions only.

    To try to realize what is (if there is) the relatively CHANGELESS --- the so called SOUL, TRANSCENDANT SELF, the COSMIC SPIRIT.

    Everything is truly RELATIVE.

    The CHANGE in the atoms and molecules is much faster than the change in the composite structure of which is a part; so we think we are changeless.

    By the same token, the CHANGE in each of the created or existing or existed --- over a life time --- is relatively fast compared to the CHANGE in the SOUL which experiences this lifetime --- and so on.

    After EMBRACING Change is the COURAGE to Look at ones self through the CHANGE --- to use the inner SELF to look at the outer SELF & begin the Journey to BECOME own cosmic puppeteer.

    Others cant live for you, eat for you, digest for you, poop for you, 'die' for you, love for you, get sick for you, be buried for you --------- why should they decide your destiny & karma for you ???

    Its the 2nd CHOICE after accepting that CHANGE is truly the mechanism of me (the 1st CHOICE).

    THIS IS FREEDOM --- the real freedom for mankind.

