I decided to start a blog after happening across a few others which gave me food for thought. I am not sure whether it is a good or bad idea, but perhaps it will be an interesting experiment. Although I read other people's blogs, it is a strange concept - other people being interested enough in your thoughts and your mind to read what equates to a sharing diary...
anyhow :)
a little bit about myself...
i love yoga (Vinyasa, Bikram, Jivamukti, Baptiste, Ashtanga, Iyengar...and it continues), polka dots and flowers.
i like smiling and hugs and the sunlight shining through clouds. i am passionate about helping others and finding stillness within myself.
i have a controlled Lululemon addiction and am intrigued by the impact of words and the combinations of which can change lives.
at the moment I AM SEARCHING. Gosh that came out it capitals 4 times before I got it to change back. I think it wanted to be that way. Maybe because in my mind it is in capitals as well.
anyhow...hello :)